Foto: ONU Noticias
Dear Sir or Madam,
The undersigned organizations are writing in regards to the “Donors Conference in solidarity with Venezuelan refugees and migrants in the countries of the region,” to be virtually held next Tuesday May 26, 2020, convened by the Government of Spain and the European Union, with the support of UNHCR and IOM. This conference represents an important opportunity given the urgency of increasing the financing of the response to the Venezuelan crisis with a sustainable, planned and appropriate allocation of funding. We reiterate our will to work together in the unprecedented context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Nowadays, more than five million Venezuelan refugees and migrants have left their country, of which 35% are children and adolescents (R4V). Additionally, the migrants’ profile has changed in recent months, with an increase of women moving alone or accompanied by minors. People on the move have been exposed to a higher degree of vulnerability due to the migratory restrictions implemented by countries in the region. Access to neighbouring territories is limited and there are increasing barriers to the access to basic services, as well as violations of fundamental rights, such as protection against all forms of violence, family reunification, identity, education, housing, health and employment rights, among others.
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